Michele (given name)

Pronunciation muh-SHELL, mee-SHELL, MEE-shell, mee-KEH-leh (Italian)
Gender Female, Male (Italian)
Word/Name Hebrew via French and English
Meaning meaning = Who is like God
Other names
Related names Michael, Michel, Michelle

Michele, pronounced ‘mee-shell’, is an English female given name that comes from the French Michèle. It is a variant spelling of the more common (and identically pronounced) name Michelle.

Michele, pronounced ‘mee-KEH-leh’, is an Italian male given name, akin to the English male name Michael.

Both names derive from the Latin Michaelem referring to archangel Michael, and originally derive from the biblical Hebrew name מיכאל (pronounced mi-kha-el) meaning "Who is like God?".

People with the given name Michele

See also